A TEACHER will be flying out to Costa Rica this summer to carry out scientific research with the environmental charity Earthwatch.

Brenda Gray, from Brafferton, near Darlington, will work alongside leading scientists after winning a 3M environmental award.

She will work on the project with Earthwatch volunteers researching the role of insects in maintaining a critically endangered forest.

Brenda, who works at Frederic Nattrass Primary School, Norton, near Stockton, said: "The project will enable me to raise awareness of the important species, habitats and ecosystems of the rainforests, its uniqueness and importance.

"I hope to use my experiences to produce a teacher's pack of my experiences, offer talks and presentations to local youth organisations, develop a website and raise awareness and interest in the importance of conservation."

Award winners, known as 3M Earthwatch Fellows, have their project expenses paid by 3M United Kingdom.

The Earthwatch Fellowship Programme has sent more than 1,000 teachers and conservationists on overseas projects since 1993, of which 159 have been funded by 3M.

Brenda wants to take a digital camera with her to Costa Rica to record her experiences. Any local firms who would like to help suppor the trip can contact her on (01325) 315277.