Tory leader William Hague was today launching a savage attack on the Government's immigration record.

Mr Hague was spelling out Tory proposals to prevent Britain being a "soft touch" for bogus asylum seekers on a visit to Dover.

But Liberal Democrat leader Charles Kennedy said "he has all the instincts of Alf Garnett and all the elctoral appeal of Michael Foot".

Mr Hague wants secure reception centres for refugees, rapid handling of asylum applications, and the targeting of planes suspected of carrying illegal immigrants.

He said: "It is little wonder that, as a result of Labour's policies, Britain is no longer just a safe haven. Britain has been turned into a soft touch.

"Britain is the target of a miserable, violent and often tragic multi-billion pound international trade in asylum seekers. That is why we need a new approach.

"Elect a Conservative Government on June 7 and the process of ending the racketeering and human trafficking will begin on June 8. We will clear up Labour's asylum mess."

But Home Secretary Jack Straw claimed the Tories' proposed public service cuts would have "devastating effects" on the numbers of immigration officers.

Mr Straw said Tory plans to reduce civil service numbers would leave 4,000 less immigration officials and "undermine the very asylum control system the Tories say they want to strengthen".

A new MORI poll in The Economist magazine puts Labour 28 points ahead of the Tories.

Labour have 54% with the Tories on 26%, their worst performance of the election campaign so far.

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Updated: 11.10 Friday, May 18