CARERS in Derwentside will soon benefit from a new support centre set up with the help of an £8,000 grant.

The Lloyds TSB Foundation has given the cash to Carers Support Derwentside to help pay the salary of Donna Brown, who will run a new resource unit.

The charity was established in 1995 to provide practical and emotional support to carers, and has expanded from a one-man operation to a team of 20.

Its resource unit will be the first point of contact for carers who want information and support. It will also house a library of information for carers, including videos and Internet access.

Rob Goffee, the charity's manager, said: "We are extremely grateful to the Lloyds TSB Foundation for the generous funding.

"The resource unit will enable Carers Support to provide a wider range of information which will generate a community of healthier, empowered carers."