LOCAL people are hoping councillors will reject plans to build a road through a stretch of countryside after carrying out a site visit this week.

An application has been submitted to construct an access road and car park in a field near Barmpton Lane, Barmpton, near Darlington.

The road would improve access to Skerningham Manor, which is being developed into a countryside gateway site.

But residents of the area are furious about the plan, which they say will be detrimental to the land.

The most serious concern is that it will increase rural crime, including poaching and trespassing, and damage to neighbouring farms.

People also believe it will affect the local wildlife and possibly open the area to other developments.

The Teesside branch of the Green Party has joined the fight to save the woodland, and it has sent a letter to John Buxton, director of development and environment at Darlington Borough Council.

Members of Darlington council's planning applications committee were recommended to approve the scheme when they met last month, but decided to defer a decision until they carried out a site visit. The visit will take place on Friday.