LEISURE chiefs in Darlington have teamed up with Middlesbrough Football Club to improve playing fields in the borough.

As part of a new strategy, Darlington Borough Council has been discussing the latest techniques for maintaining outdoor surfaces.

It is hoped the partnership will continue in the future.

The strategy is aimed at identifying current and future provision of pitches in Darlington and considering how happy users are with the facilities and if they can be improved.

It will also look for external funding to develop the pitches in the future.

Clubs and organisations in the borough have been consulted on the four main sports, football, rugby, cricket and hockey.

Other than from football players, the feedback has been positive. Some of the borough's football pitches suffer from uneven surfaces, poor drainage and inadequate changing facilities.

Annual meetings will be held with representatives of sporting clubs to review the situation.

The council's cabinet received a report on the strategy yesterday, which will be passed on to a ratification committee on June 21.