A 15-year-old has been charged with manslaughter after a County Durham family man was killed in a city centre fracas at the weekend.

Former miner John Jobson, from Horden, near Peterlee, died in hospital after collapsing in a street in Salford, Greater Manchester, following a row outside a city centre pub.

The 49-year-old is thought to have been felled with a single punch and banged his head on the pavement during the incident at the junction of Chapel and Oldfield Street in Salford.

Greater Manchester Police say they have charged a 15-year-old local boy with manslaughter and remanded him in custody. He was due to appear before Salford Youth Court this morning.

Four other people were arrested following the death but have all been released on police bail pending further enquiries.

Updated: 17.01 Monday, July 9