AN amateur football club is casting a wider net for sporting talent thanks to an important cash boost.

Owton Manor Football Club in Hartlepool has scooped a £448 grant to buy more equipment.

The money will be spent on training and match footballs as well as goal nets, and means the club can train more youngsters and put together two teams to take part in the Hartlepool Youth Friendly League.

The cash boost has come from the Owton Rossmere Single Regeneration Budget Partnership's Community Chest.

Kevin Vasey, club secretary and trainer said: "We're delighted to get the money. If it hadn't been for the grant, we couldn't have put one team forward - now we can put two forward."

Set up nine years ago with six youngsters, the football club now works with about 40 youngsters. As well as under-13s and under-15s groups, the club has now expanded to run an under-17s session.

It is recruiting for the forthcoming season for its under-15 and under-17 teams. Anyone wanting to join the club should call Mr Vasey on (01429) 427598 or (01429) 297201