BROADCASTER and novelist Melvyn Bragg was in the region yesterday to receive an honorary degree.

Lord Bragg, best known as editor and presenter of The South Bank Show, was awarded an honorary doctorate of arts from Sunderland University.

The degree was presented at a ceremony at the Empire Theatre by university's chancellor and Lord Bragg's long-time friend, Lord Puttnam.

Lord Bragg, who is chancellor of Leeds University, is more used to awarding degrees than receiving them and, earlier this week, honoured poet Seamus Heaney and former Speaker of the House of Commons, Betty Boothroyd, in a similar ceremony.

Before receiving his own award, Lord Bragg was in Ottaker's, in Sunderland, to sign copies of his new book, A Son of War.

Yesterday's award ceremony was just one of four taking place at the university this month. Other recipients of honorary degrees included children's author David Almond, of Newcastle.

Sunderland University's vice-chancellor Professor Peter Fidler said: "We are proud to pay tribute to our honorary graduates who have all achieved excellence in their fields.

"Their example will, undoubtedly, inspire our new graduates as they celebrate their academic success and embark on their careers."

l The Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Sir John Stevens, has received an honorary law degree from Northumbria University.

Sir John, who has served in the police force for 36 years, has strong links with the North-East, having served as Chief Constable of Northumbria between 1991 and 1996.

He was presented with an Honorary Doctorate of Civil Law along with graduates from the Faculty of Social Sciences.