A BUNGALOW specially built for children with learning disabilities has been opened.

The Mayor of Sunderland, Councillor Ken Murray, accompanied by the Mayoress, Pat Hunter, opened Meadow Rise and presented the facility with a limited edition painting of Premier League club Sunderland's Stadium of Light.

The bungalow, at Hetton-le-Hole, was designed to take advantage of the views across the valley towards Durham City and will be home to six children aged from ten to 18.

John Marsden, director of Sunderland social services department, said: "The children moved into the bungalow several weeks ago and have thrived in their new environment.

"This accommodation has been purpose-built to meet their needs and to a very high standard."

The children each have their own bedroom and share a lounge and dining room.

The bungalow also has a chill-out room where the youngsters can go to relax and listen to music, and there is a garden at the rear.

The bungalow, which is Sunderland's second of its type, was built through a partnership between Cheviot Housing Association and Sunderland social services.