NEWS that 200 refugees are to be housed by private landlords on Teesside has been greeted with concern.

Without the knowledge of the local authority, the Harrow-based housing firm Rose Lodge arranged for landlords, including the Stockton-based firm John Monk and Company, to accommodate the refugees in Hartlepool.

The plan, which is endorsed by the Home Office, has been condemned by councillors, who say it could harm the town's regeneration.

Last night, Pete Widlinski, of the North of England Refugees Service, said the refugees' arrival has not been planned properly.

"When the local authority is involved, we have regular meetings with them," he said. "We plan arrivals and talk to people about the benefits of the asylum seekers coming.

"But the private sector just brings people up, puts them in houses and thinks that's it.

"They are in it for profit, but they need to put more resources into the local infrastructure."

However, Mr Widlinski said he would still work with the private sector to ensure the asylum seekers were integrated properly.