A GRANDMOTHER who rounded off a weekend away with a game of bingo has hit the jackpot.

Jean Gudgeon returned from Blackpool and visited the Mecca Club, in Chandlers Wharf, Stockton, on Monday, where she won £93,000.

The 53-year-old won the National Bingo game prize of £90,000, plus the regional prize of £2,848, and the house prize of £244, having completed a full house in 38 numbers, the fewest anywhere in the country.

Mrs Gudgeon and her husband, John, 55, who live in Stockton, have two daughters and six grandchildren.

She works evenings at the University Hospital of North Tees, Stockton, as a domestic in the maternity ward, and has no plans of giving up her job.

She said yesterday: "They had already heard the news, and all the midwives were singing congratulations when I got in the next day.

"It had been a bad year until now. John lost his job as a works manager, after 23 years, and although he has been doing agency work, it was a lot less money."

A bingo player for many years, Mrs Gudgeon and her husband visit the club once or twice a week.

She said: "I have seen people have big wins, but never dreamt it would happen to me. I still can't take it in."

Her thoughts about what to do with the money are to look after her family, pay off the mortgage and invest the rest.