A TEENAGER has walked free after admitting having sex with a 15-year-old girl.

David Johnstone, 18, pleaded guilty to having unlawful sexual intercourse with the girl, who cannot be identified for legal reasons.

Newcastle Crown Court heard that Johnstone asked the girl to go to the shops for him before the incident happened in April.

The girl returned to Johnstone's home in Grasmere Road, Hebburn, South Tyneside. She stayed at the house overnight and the pair had sex.

Johnstone, who has previous convictions for violence, also admitted a charge of assault on a 15-year-old girl in March.

Shaun Routledge, mitigating, said Johnstone had served the equivalent of a six-and-a-half month sentence while on remand. Judge David Wood passed an 18-month rehabilitation order after hearing that Johnstone had taken an NVQ course in painting and decorating while on remand.