A PREACHER told his congregation: "Live for today and prepare for God's call tomorrow" - seconds before collapsing and dying in the pulpit.

Eric Frankland, 65, suffered a heart attack 20 minutes into his sermon on the importance of leading a good Christian life.

He had just finished telling the flock at Churchtown Methodist Church, in Sunderland, to prepare for the Lord's call at any moment, before slumping to the ground.

His wife Margaret, 63, rushed from the congregation to his side - but he died seconds later.

Eric's wife and their two daughters, Margaret and Deborah, said they took comfort in how he died.

Deborah said: "Nothing can take the pain away of losing your father, but we take some comfort knowing that this is how he would have wanted to go."

The death of the church treasurer, who ran the Sunday school for 40 years, has shaken the community where he was a well-known figure.

Mr Frankland dedicated his time to the church after retiring from his job as a manager in the city council's parks and gardens department.

Church deacon John Hill said: "He was a solid pillar of the community. He has always been a very active member of the church.

"He was very committed and gave up his time for the local community in a very selfless way. We have lost a friend and the community has lost a very special man."