SUPER slimmer Karen Burns shed ten stones - and has a new man in her life.

The 44-year-old mother-of-three and former South Shields lollipop lady began to dine on fattening take-aways and her favourite drink, Irn Bru, after the birth of her first child - and began piling on weight.

She said: "I never used to go out. I couldn't buy clothes. I was too ashamed of the way I looked.

"Then I cut out the Irn Bru and the take-aways and joined a gym. Pretty soon the weight was flying off."

After getting down to seven stones and changing her lifestyle, her wardrobe and ditching her job, she met Jim Mullin, 40, a pipe-fitter from Seltcoats, Scotland, and says she is happier than she has ever been.