A MAN accused of the manslaughter of a former friend he believed to be a heroin user was "physically growling" at people in the neighbourhood on the day of the incident, a court heard.

Steven McDonald, 29, of Wilton Avenue, Dormanstown, Middlesbrough, denies causing the death of Graeme Dawes in June last year.

Mr McDonald is alleged to have confronted Mr Dawes, who he knew to be suffering from heart disease, when he suspected him of using the drug.

It has been said that the stress of the resulting fight brought on heart failure.

Teesside Crown Court heard yesterday from Della MacKenzie, a hairdresser.

She said she saw Mr McDonald, who the prosecution say is "aggressively opposed" to heroin users, on the day Mr Dawes died.

She said Mr McDonald was "prowling round on the footpath and was literally physically growling at people nearby, visibly frightening them."

She calmed him down but said he was "constantly referring to smackheads and wanted rid of them all".

Aiden Marron, defending, suggested Miss MacKenzie was exaggerating in her statement because she was saddened by Mr Dawes's death - but she maintained she was telling the truth.

The trial continues.