ADAM I'ANSON will have a story to tell about becoming a teenager.

A meal at the Fox and Hounds on the edge of Northallerton, North Yorkshire, with family and friends was a treat in itself.

But flying there by helicopter with best friend Charles Chapman was something he was not expecting.

"We were blindfolded in the car and then walked right up to the side of the helicopter; when I saw what I was standing next to, it was brilliant," said Adam.

The family drove from their Northallerton home to a small airfield near Pontefract to catch their chartered 40-minute flight back to their favourite local.

But there was more to come for Adam; the aircraft waited while they ate and then took him on a low-level trip around the countryside with Fox and Hounds landlord David Hawksworth.

"It took a bit to organise," said Paul Lovell, Adam's godfather.

"We had to get permission from farmers in the area as well as the pub - but, then, you are not 13 every day."

Once their meal was over, the family flew back to Pontefract to collect their car and return home.

"I was really nervous about flying to begin with, but it was fantastic, especially the low-level stuff," said Adam.

"There are all sorts of things I would like to do when I'm older, but being a pilot might be one of them now."