A DOCTOR has won a national award that will enable him to present important medical research at a meeting in Berlin next month.

Dr Robert Allcock, a respiratory specialist registrar at the Freeman Hospital, in Newcastle, received a £500 travel fellowship from the British Lung Foundation.

The grant will pay for him to attend the European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, where he will be talking about his research into pulmonary hypertension, high blood pressure in the blood circulation in the lungs.

Dr Allcock has carried out a study into a rare but serious form of the condition called pulmonary arterial hypertension, which is fatal to most patients within three years. One of the causes is being born with a hole in the heart.

During the past 18 months, five patients at the Freeman have been treated with new drugs and four of have shown improvement.

This is considered to be an important finding as previously there was no effective drug treatment for the disease