DRIVERS in Egglescliffe have been warned not to use a special bus route during peak times.

A reminder has gone out that the Yarm bus green route lanes are for buses only during the evening.

Stockton council says it is important that drivers know that between 3.30 and 6pm Monday to Friday, only buses are allowed to use the green lane.

The lane, clearly marked in green, enables buses to avoid queues of stationary traffic heading into Yarm.

The scheme, implemented by the council, is enforced by police who make sure other drivers do not abuse the priorities given to buses.

The council's team leader for traffic management, Mr David Lynch, said: "The route was put in place to improve passenger transport waiting and to generally improve bus travel by making journeys more pleasant, with the least possible delays.

"However, it is important that for the facility to work to its best advantage, drivers must stick to the correct times when to use and when not to use."

The main bus priority is a southbound, with-flow bus lane on the A135 Yarm Road, between Sunningdale Drive and south of Butts Lane.