TWO new branches of the World Wildlife Federation (WWF) are to open in the region.

The groups, in Darlington and Stockton, are being created to encourage people to get involved in the protection of the environment in the region and further afield.

The WWF has recently set up a group in North Yorkshire and hopes there will be a lot of interest from people in Darlington and Stockton wanting to help the environment.

WWF North spokeswoman Helen Fletcher said: "We do get inquiries from our existing members wanting to do something to get more people involved.

"We are trying to expand in the North-East to get people to do a little bit more.

"I think there will be the demand for the groups.

"Our groups do a range of different things - in the area as well as around the world.

"People may know us more for our work abroad, but we do an awful lot of stuff in this country, both in the local area and in the North as a whole."

The two groups will set their own agendas and will be able to run their own campaigns and fundraising initiatives.

Ms Fletcher said: "As a WWF volunteer, you decide how much, or how little, time you wish to commit.

"All you need is an interest and enthusiasm for the environment."

Anyone interested in joining the Stockton group should attend a meeting at the town's central library, on September 4, at 7.45pm, while a meeting is being held for the Darlington group the following day, at 7.45pm, at the Dolphin Centre.

Anyone who would like more information should call (01845) 525910.