A COUNCIL is looking for a developer to regenerate a seafront.

All 35 acres of Coatham Enclosure, Redcar, which includes the town's leisure centre and bowl, boating lake, car park and Mungle Jungle recreation centre is expected to be put on the market in the near future.

Redcar and East Cleveland Borough Council's director of development, Dr Joan Rees, said the site was strategically important, with potential for several uses, including entertainment and leisure activities as well as housing.

Property experts have recommended, that the council's best way forward would be to recruit a developer partner to work on an agreed regeneration scheme.

Council leader Councillor David Walsh, said: "We have recognised for some considerable time that the redevelopment of the Coatham Enclosure area is a key element in the overall regeneration of Redcar; and we believe that there is now an opportunity to move forward and look at the options.

"Of course, we are well aware of the strong wish in the Redcar area for development of a new swimming pool and it has been suggested that the Coatham Enclosure could be a suitable site.

"We will certainly want to discuss this as a possibility with potential partners, but we also have to recognise that raising the very significant funds required for a pool will not be easy.

"The best way forward may well involve a mixed development involving some element of housing in order to help maximise the resources available for new leisure facilities."