BUY British was the message when the National Farmers' Union's Food and Farming Roadshow visited Darlington at the weekend.

The roadshow is on a six- month national tour promoting the British Farm Standard and the little red tractor logo, the mark of quality.

The event in Darlington Market Square was also an opportunity for farmers to thank members of the public for standing by them during the foot-and-mouth disease crisis.

Former farmer Johnny Ball, who led the roadshow team, said: "This is to raise awareness of the little red tractor sign for British food grown on British farms.

"It's also to thank them for standing by us, because the British public have been absolutely fabulous during the foot-and-mouth crisis. If I put a bucket out they would fill it with money all day long - they are 250 per cent behind us and have given us great support."

Roadshow visitors were able to milk a wooden cow, see baby chicks and learn about integrated farm management. There were also British Farm Standard recipe books and information leaflets distributed.