DURHAM County Council is coming to the end of a review of its residential care services for older people.

The review was announced early last year and a project team was set up to oversee the development of a strategy to modernise the service.

The outcome is expected to be announced next month when the council is expected to offer a range of options for consultation.

Council leader Councillor Ken Manton said: "Our aim is to provide older people in County Durham with some of the best-equipped and most modern services in the country. Whatever changes are agreed after consultation with all interested parties, they will be phased in gradually.

"However, until the outcome of the review is announced, it would not be appropriate to speculate on what it may recommend."

The review was prompted by several factors, including the Government's drive to help more people stay in their homes, increasing expectations among older people, and Best Value legislation, which requires the council to examine whether its services are cost-effective.

and competitive.