AMBITIOUS plans are being drawn up for the future of one of North Yorkshire's market towns - and the entire community is to be drawn into the discussions.

The people of Pickering are to be consulted at every stage as the local town council draws up a community plan for the next five years and beyond.

Covering a wide range of issues, it will look at how the town sees itself at present and where it would like to be in the future.

"Nothing will happen without the participation of the people of Pickering. We want people to become involved in promoting the success of Pickering," said mayor Betsy Hill yesterday.

"It will take a lot of work and a lot of time. The plan will be developed over a period of about two years and it will be looking at the years beyond that.

"It is about helping the town move forward and helping it develop and it is something we want everyone in the town to get involved with.

"It's a big thing for the town council to set upon and will be looking at all the social, environmental and economic issues facing the community."

The initiative, which is led by the Countryside Agency, includes proposals to make the town more accessible and welcoming to visitors and local people alike.

Training sessions would be available to local shopkeepers and residents to make them more aware of local history and culture - knowledge that they could then pass on to visitors.

A website would also be launched, which would include an introduction to the town, maps, pictures, basic information and regularly-updated lists of local events.

Also on the agenda is the creation of a guide to the town, a handbook which would be distributed free to every household in the town and paid for by advertising revenue.