FLY-tippers have been warned they could face huge fines and possible imprisonment if they dump rubbish outside their homes.

The warning came after a complete fitted kitchen was found dumped in a back alley off East Mount Road, Darlington, yesterday.

The kitchen was found by road cleaners who could not get past it to carry out their work.

They believed the rubbish had been dumped by a home owner or an unscrupulous kitchen fitter who was replacing the units.

Darlington Borough Council was informed of the discovery and representatives from the environmental health department were sent to investigate who had dumped the kitchen.

The owner was traced and agreed to get a skip to dispose of it.

A council spokeswoman said: "We take fly-tipping very seriously indeed.

"Fly-tippers can be fined up to £20,000 or face six months in prison.

"We investigated to find out where this kitchen came from, and because the owner took such swift action we will not be following up.

"Fly-tipping can cause fire and health and safety hazards, as well as making the neighbourhood look untidy."