A FORMER shipbuilding city has beaten the rest of Europe in a gardening competition.

Gardeners in Sunderland won a gold medal, the top award, in the European Entente Florale competition.

The city had already won the North-East and Britain in Bloom contests and decided to try out against other countries as the UK representative.

Judges visited the city in July, and chairman Luke Griffin said: "Historically, we did not have an exotic idea of Sunderland. But it seems as if that is all in the past now.

"The city is changing its identity for the better, of beautifying itself, to use a continental term."

Chief executive of Sunderland City Council, Colin Sinclair, said: "Not only does it illustrate that we are the best city in Britain, but it demonstrates our prestige and success alongside other European countries."

Director of city contracting services, Irene Lucas, said: "Winning this award is a tribute to all the dedicated people involved in improving the environment in Sunderland.

"They have worked hard for many years to make the city a better place to live.