AMBULANCE chiefs say plans to re-locate in Darlington will improve response times.

The North-East Ambulance Service NHS Trust hopes to move into disused workshops at Darlington's fire station, in St Cuthbert's Way.

Ambulance staff presently use a crew room at Darlington's Memorial Hospital as a base, with ambulances kept in the hospital grounds.

An outline business plan has been sent to the regional executive of the NHS based in Newcastle for approval.

A number of ambulances could be based in St Cuthbert's Way, although it is not known when the move would take place.

The trust is co-locating in a number of areas across the North-East, with sites having been pinpointed in Tyne and Wear and Northumbria.

Richard Craig, trust secretary, said: "We are at the initial stages with Darlington at the moment.

"Co-locating with fire stations helps response times because invariably they are in primary sites within towns."