A BURGLAR used a pole to hook a woman's handbag through an open window, a court heard yesterday.

Patrick Duffy, 28, of Prior Court, Billingham, admitted a charge of burglary, at Teesside Crown Court.

Richard Parcell, prosecuting, said the house owner was getting ready for work at about 6am when he heard noises.

When he went into the living room, he saw Duffy standing at the window with a pole, in the process of hooking the handbag through the open window.

Duffy managed to get the bag and ran off. Police found a haversack at the scene and the defendant was traced through its contents.

Nigel Soppitt, defending, said Duffy was homeless at the time of the burglary. He had profound regret and was desperate to change his life.

He was jailed for eight months