HUNDREDS of objectors have won backing for their opposition to plans to pull down a Knaresborough riverside rest-aurant and replace it with nine apartments.

Earlier development plans on the site sparked almost 800 objection letters along with petitions circulated by the Knaresborough Action Group.

Now, revised plans being considered by Knaresborough area planning committee of Harrogate Borough Council have led to another 319 letters and a petition with 851 signatures.

Planning officer Neville Watson has recommended approval. He said the redevelopment of the site at Da Mario's restaurant, Waterside, had been substantially reviewed since it was last considered.

He said the principle of residential development was acceptable and the loss of the restaurant and cottage would not have an impact on Knaresborough's vitality.

Mr Watson acknowledged the site was "very visible" from a number of vantage points including a high-level view from Knaresborough Castle grounds, but said the scheme had been carefully designed using a variety of architectural styles and materials.

Knaresborough Town Council has listed a string of objections, including the loss of the visitor facility and an increase in traffic.

A spokesman said: "The development will have an adverse effect on the Special Landscape Area on the west side of the River Nidd.

"This type of development is inappropriate in the close proximity of the viaduct."

The Knaresborough Action Group, set up to prevent what is described as unsuitable development in Knaresborough conservation areas, said it had secured strong support against the latest proposal.

The group organised a display in the Market Square for people to register their objections to the scheme.