PLANS to close two residential homes for the elderly are to be suspended to help cope with the loss of beds in the independent sector.

A report to Darlington Borough Council's cabinet has revealed that the care market is almost at saturation point, following announcements that the private Trees Park and Abbey Lodge homes are to close.

It brings the total number of residential and nursing care beds lost in the independent sector to 366 in the past year, a trend being repeated throughout the country.

At the start of this month there were only two vacant residential beds, two elderly mentally infirm beds and four nursing beds available in the borough.

The situation has had an impact on the council's home closure programme.

In September last year, members decided to close the council's five remaining residential homes.

But the report says plans to close The Lawns and Westfields House should be suspended.

Director of social services Colin Morris said: "This in turn will create the capacity to accommodate displaced residents from Trees Park and Abbey Lodge.

"However, it must be recognised that this has unavoidable implications for increased staffing levels. These costs have been estimated, but actual costs will be dependent upon the number of additional residents eventually placed in the two homes."

It was stressed that the proposal was only a short-term strategy, and the council would eventually need to close its remaining homes.