A party of 50 cubs and scouts from the 1st Barnard Castle group stayed at the Once Brewed Youth Hostel, in Northumberland, to learn about Roman history at Vindolanda and the Army camp.

One day was spent in Carlisle, enjoying bowling and a cinema trip.

Two venture scouts from 1st Barnard Castle have completed the requirements for the Queen Scout award.

They gave a presentation of their hike along the West Highland Way, which was well received.

Martin Peat and Philip Blakeley have been members of the scout group for more than ten years.

Mike Caton, the district commissioner, presented the badges.

The certificates, signed by the Queen, will be presented at a Queen's jubilee ceremony and the pair will also be invited to Windsor Castle next April.

The Scouts' bonfire and fireworks at Startforth Hall will not take place this year because of the foot-and-mouth restrictions.

The event should be back on the calendar next year.