A Redcar woman is celebrating victory over global fast-food giants McDonald's.

Last year McDonald's built a drive-through restaurant in Thrush Road, on the site of the old gas works, despite a campaign led by Janet Hakbilir and including people living on nearby Hanson Street.

Earlier this year the company applied for permission to extend its opening hours from 7.30am until 10pm Monday to Saturday and 8am until 8pm on Sundays to 7.30am until 11pm every day.

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council's planning committee refused to grant permission for the extended opening hours, but the company appealed to the Government's planning inspectors against the council's decision.

Mrs Hakbilir researched local government planning policies to object to the proposals and described the impact the restaurant had on her street.

Last Friday a Government inspector ruled that the extension could not go ahead because the noise and disturbance generated from the extra opening hours would be 'unacceptably harmful to the living conditions of those residents.'

Helen McLuckie, chairman of Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council's planning committee, said she was delighted and added: "It isn't an easy thing for members of the public to do."

A spokesman for McDonald's said: "We are disappointed that our appeal was rejected."