THE largest public sector union is urging its members to vote against plans for an elected mayor in a North-East city.

City of Sunderland Council is holding a referendum on the proposal for a directly elected mayor on Thursday, October 11.

The referendum asks the question: "Are you in favour of the proposal for Sunderland City Council to be run in a new way, which includes a mayor, who will be elected by the voters of the city, to be in charge of the council's services and to lead the council and the community which it serves?"

The 6,500-member strong Sunderland branch of Unison will be urging people in the city to vote against the proposal. Union leaders say democracy and accountability will be reduced, and there are no obvious benefits of having an elected mayor.

Bob Scott, speaking for the Unison branch, said: "We have debated this issue and have reached a firm conclusion. We see the prospect of an elected mayor as corrupting, confusing and costly, as well as unwanted and unnecessary."

A copy of the proposals including the outline are available from the department of administration at Sunderland Civic Centre or by phoning 0191-553 1003.