FIREFIGHTERS will get down to the bare essentials of fundraising when they perform a strip tonight.

Nine Cleveland fire officers bravely volunteered for the job after being approached by Assistant Divisional Officer Alan Gill.

Having puzzled over how to get people to give generously to an appeal for victims of the US atrocities, he thought the sight of strapping firefighters naked would do the trick.

For the past two-and-a-half weeks, the men have been in training under the guidance of choreographer Amy Fitz. They will finally reveal all at Chicago Rock Cafe, in Wilson Street, Middlesbrough, at about 10pm. Entry is free, with people being encouraged to make donations, and there will be a free buffet and a raffle.

Mr Gill said: "So far, we have raised £17,500 through ladder climbs, a quiz night and collections.

"People have been so generous, and it has really hit home how close the community feels to firefighters.

"I think this will be a fun and entertaining night."