PLANS to build another superstore on Britain's biggest Army garrison is facing mounting opposition.

The Lidl chain is hoping to persuade Richmondshire District Council's planning committee to give its blessing to a 1,200 sq metre discount food store off Gough Road, Catterick Garrison.

But the project is contrary to a plan for the development of the area over the coming decade and Entec - employed by the Ministry of Defence to coordinate the commercial and industrial infrastructure of the garrison - is among the organisations objecting to the scheme.

Richmond's Business and Tourism Association is also protesting, claiming it is already losing out to Tesco, which opened on the garrison's Richmondshire Walk.

In a letter to the district council, chairman Dr Mike Nicholls writes: "From the figures produced on behalf of the developers, 15 per cent of the proposed store's turnover will be drawn from food stores in Richmond town centre, thus further reducing footfall there.

"It is quite clear that, if the development receives planning permission, it will have a further negative effect on the commercial viability of Richmond.''

The Leyburn and mid-Wensleydale Business Association is also claiming the store could lead to shop closures.

However, perhaps the toughest obstacle Lidl will have to overcome is a report by the district council's planning team.

It points out that the site is outside an area scheduled for retail development and that it would draw the focus away from the garrison's shopping centre.

Planning officer Peter Featherstone, who is recommending the project is refused, states: "If this development were to take place, it would have a serious impact both on the emerging master plan and the Catterick Garrison town centre and on future investment within that centre.

"While it may be suggested that there could be short-term benefits in accepting this proposal, it would not be in the interests of planning and investment for the town centre in the medium or longer term."

The plans go before the planning committee, which meets at Swale House, Richmond, on Tuesday at 6.30pm