CARING pupils are hoping to bring festive cheer to poor youngsters across the world this Christmas.

Children at Bowburn Junior School filled 65 shoe boxes with goodies for the Operation Christmas Child charities.

The school has supported the charity for the past few years and rose to the challenge again this year. Pupils collected items such as cuddly toys, sweets, hats, gloves, and writing materials.

Shoefayre, in Durham, donated shoe boxes and the Asda supermarket, in Spennymoor, gave toiletries.

Each box is aimed at a girl or boy in a particular age group. The school's contribution will be collected on Monday.

Teacher Kathryn Appleby, who organised the collection, said: "We have always had a good response to the appeal and this year is no exception.''

l Pictured with some of their boxes are, from top left, Thomas Conner, nine, Faye Miller, ten, Emma Scott, nine, and Adam McGrath, seven.