MUSICIANS hope they have struck the right chord with the Guinness Book of Records after playing non-stop for 15 hours.

More than 50 members of Musicians Unlimited, Hartlepool's award-winning big band, took part in the marathon on Saturday.

The group braved aching muscles and rising temperatures to maintain a constant sound.

At the end of the record attempt, which was originally intended to be 24 hours, only 12 were left playing.

Band leader Mick Donnelly, who organised it partly to raise money for Children in Need, said: "There is no existing record of this kind and we were advised to try for more than 12 hours to qualify.

"Now we have to send off videos and recordings to see if they will verify it."

Mr Donnelly said the musicians were prompted to stop prematurely by paramedics.

"One person suffered from heat exhaustion and I can see now why no one else had attempted it, but it was absolutely fantastic," he said.

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