A STILT-WALKING group is honing its act in preparation for the annual Darlington lantern parade.

The London group, called The Wrong Size, will be leading this year's parade.

It is the group's first visit to the North-East and they will walk the half mile from the Arts Centre to the Market Square in front of the parade.

The five group members will be wearing special costumes which are lit internally to make them look like walking lanterns.

Having led the procession, The Wrong Size will present a short finale performance in the Market Square, just after 7pm.

The parade is being held next Thursday, when more than 300 youngsters are expected to take part with their home-made lanterns.

The procession will leave Darlington Arts Centre at 6.30pm and march along Abbey Road, Duke Street, Skinnergate, Blackwellgate and High Row, before arriving in the Market Square at about 7pm.

There will be entertainment in the Market Square, finishing with a short fireworks display at 7.30pm.

The lantern parade is presented by Darlington Borough Council and sponsored by Taylor Woodrow and Cleveland Bridge UK Limited.