A UNIVERSITY tutor has been appointed to fill one of the hottest seats in the region's health service.

Angela Ballatti, 45, who chairs a County Durham mental health trust, is to take over at the trust which runs the new University Hospital of North Durham.

The £97m hospital has attracted national controversy because it was built with too few beds and has had teething troubles.

Recently, the House of Commons Select Committee visited the hospital as part of their probe into private finance in the NHS.

Mrs Ballatti replaces Derwentside Councillor Kevin Earley, whose removal as chairman was strongly criticised in the House of Commons this week by Labour backbenchers Kevan Jones, MP for North Durham, and Gerry Steinberg, MP for Durham City.

Last night, Mr Earley revealed that he is to complain to the Public Appointments Ombudsman about the way he has been treated.

Mr Earley, who regards himself as a grassroots councillor, also voiced his doubts whether his successor would be able to connect with local people.

"Not many of these new appointments will be drinking in Blackhill club," he said.

Mrs Ballatti, 45, who has chaired County Durham and Darlington Priority Services since 1998, will take up her post on Monday.

The new chairman lives in Durham and works at Durham University Business School.

She said: "I am looking forward to taking up my new post and feel it is a privilege to work with the NHS and to support staff as they work to meet the challenges ahead."

Ms Ballatti is not active in any political party. She will be paid £17,625 a year.

Former ICI director Sandy Anderson, 57, has been appointed chairman of South Durham Health Care NHS Trust, which runs Darlington Memorial Hospital and Bishop Auckland General Hospital.

Mr Anderson will be paid £19,825 a year. He is not politically active.