THE region's energy companies have been warned to put their house in order after an increase in complaints from consumers.

Independent gas and electricity watchdog Energywatch says it has received a flood of complaints from North-East customers over selling techniques and supply transfers.

The organisation's Newcastle office, which looks after the North-East region, says it is receiving upwards of 500 new complaints a week from customers.

Many of the complaints have been levelled against Northern Electric and Gas, which was recently taken over by power company Innogy.

But a number of other suppliers, which have entered the regional market since deregulation of the industry, have also been the target of gripes.

Energywatch says customers are increasingly dissatisfied over doorstep selling and the mishandling of gas and electricity transfers.

Other complaints have included billing and household disputes about gas consumption.

Carole Pitkeathley, regional director of Energywatch North-East, said Northern Electric and Gas had made improvements, but still retained above-average complaint levels, particularly for gas account problems.

She said: "It is clear, energy companies are still failing to tackle areas of major concern to consumers.

"While we are working with suppliers to help them improve complaint-handling and customer service, they need to be reminded that this is a highly competitive market and dissatisfied customers can take their account elsewhere."

A spokesman for Northern Electric and Gas said it believed its complaint levels were reasonable in an intensely competitive market.

It was working with Energywatch to improve performance and recognised there was scope to do better.

He said: "There is always the opportunity to improve, and we will be looking at the Energywatch figures very carefully."

Energywatch was set up by the Government to monitor the gas and electricity industry.

It has been actively campaigning against the mis-selling practices of energy suppliers and published a charter designed to protect consumers who find they have been transferred to another supplier in error.

Its website, which provides more advice and information for consumers, is at