A FATHER who terrified staff at a takeaway shop by smashing a plate glass window while his young daughter looked on has been jailed.

James Cram, 23, snapped after staff at Marios, in Stanhope Road, South Shields, refused to give him a refund on a packet of chips.

Newcastle Crown Court heard that he hurled abuse at staff and that Kelly Wynne, 20, encouraged him to spray a liquid containing ammonia at staff.

The court heard the pair had entered the shop with the little girl on April 12 and that they were both drunk.

Prosecutor Robert Adams said: "He was asking for a refund. When this was refused, he became agitated. He was told to leave and started shouting abuse at the staff.

"He threw chips at a female member of staff and, as he left, smeared chips over the outside window. Efforts were made to keep them out and they attempted to get back in.

"Wynne was heard to say to Cram 'spray him, spray him'. She was holding a Shockwaves bottle and said 'let me spray him in the face'.

"The door was shut and they were kept out, but Cram picked up a brick or wooden block and threw it straight through the window of the shop."

Judge Beatrice Bolton jailed them both for two months.

Cram, of Hedgley Road, Hebburn, pleaded guilty to criminal damage and a public order offence at an earlier hearing.

Wynne, of Palmer Crescent, Hebburn, pleaded guilty to affray.