IT REALLY is proving to be a dog's life for Toby, the border collie.

Two weeks ago the dog was hit by a car as a result of which he will have a front leg amputated.

Unwilling to face vet's bills for medication and the operation, Toby's Hartlepool owner opted to have the dog destroyed.

Toby, his tail still wagging if someone makes a fuss of him, is in the hands of the RSPCA at its Great Ayton animal sanctuary where staff are desperate to find a home for him.

RSPCA Inspector Laura Glover said: "Toby was still wagging his tail, despite his terrible injury. Ideally, we want someone who has experience of border collies to look after him. He is very loyal and we need someone special. He will be able to get around on three legs, but it will be harder for him."

Contact (01642) 724016 for more details.