BUS services will be severely disrupted again next week as drivers across the region continue their industrial action.

Passengers will find it difficult to make a bus journey on Wednesday, as drivers go on strike over pay and managerial styles.

The third 24-hour strike in as many weeks will take place at Stagecoach North East depots in Hartlepool, Stockton and Darlington.

There will be no services operated by the company in Darlington, while in Hartlepool and Teesside there will be a limited number of buses running.

The drivers are demanding a £6-an-hour rate, as well as payment for overtime.

Allan Gray, passenger trade group secretary with the Transport and General Workers' Union (TGWU), said yesterday: "There has been no conversation between us and the management since the last strike.

"Until the company removes its punitive measures, we will not talk to them.

"They are stopping drivers taking lieu days that they are owed and have introduced overtime bans. The drivers are really upset.

"It is not just a pay dispute, but it is the managers' attitude towards members as well."

Last week, drivers were furious that Stagecoach drafted in supervisors from Scotland and Wales to drive the buses during the strike.

Mr Gray said that if this tactic was used again, the company would face more hostility.

He said: "That would cause exactly the same sort of problems as last time - more bad feeling.

"The company seem to be trying to starve us out and make us accept their measures, but that will not happen."

Stagecoach's last offer to the drivers was a pay rise to £5.50 as part of a two-year deal, but this was rejected.

A Stagecoach spokesman, who confirmed that an overtime ban had been introduced, said: "Stagecoach North East has been formally notified by the TGWU trade union that its members will be staging a further one-day strike against the company on Wednesday, November 21."

Bus customers will be able to get details of which services will be running in their area by phoning Traceline, on (0870) 6082608, from tomorrow.