THE owners of a ten stone dog found wandering the streets in Darlington have failed to come forward.

The Newfoundland landseer dog, worth about £700, is being cared for at the NCDL kennels in Sadberge, where he has been named Hercules.

Dog warden John Martin said that since Hercules was found in Burtree Lane on October 30, with a collar and lead, he had hoped someone would come forward to claim him.

But now he believes the dog was simply abandoned by its owners.

"It's just so sad," he said.

"A lovely dog like that, just left to roam free, with no note or anything, so we don't know anything about it. It is terrible."

Hercules, who is believed to be about 18 months old, is suffering from kennel cough. Once that has cleared, staff at the NCDL kennels are hoping to find him a caring new home.

A spokesman for the kennels said: "He needs someone who has had Newfoundlands before. He is quite boisterous, particularly around other dogs.

"He also needs a bit of training, because I don't think he has any manners at all."

For more information about Hercules, contact the NCDL kennels on (01325) 333111