A TEENAGER who claimed he has had a drink problem since he was ten was referred for treatment by a judge yesterday.

Ian Colquhoun, 19, will be helped by the North-East Council of Addictions to assess his level of abuse, provide medical services, counselling and alternative therapies.

Probation officer Helen Collins said of Colquhoun, from Darlington: "He told me that he had been drinking since the age of ten."

She said that there was a lengthy waiting list for treatment but that the council could make him a priority case.

Colquhoun blamed his drink problem for an indecent assault on a girl in her home, said Rod Hunt, defending.

Colquhoun, formerly of Longfield Road, has been offered a home by his brother, who also lives in the town.

He pleaded guilty at Teesside Crown Court to the indecent assault, which took place in May, and has been in custody on remand for almost seven months.

He was given a two-year community rehabilitation order.

Judge Tony Briggs told him: "This is a nasty matter and no doubt horribly unpleasant for the young lady at the receiving end of your behaviour.

"I make it plain, not only to you but to those members of the public who have heard of this case, that it is only possible to deal with this matter on this basis because you have already been in custody for seven months.

"You do realise that if there is a breach of this order this sentence will be looked at again and you can expect custody.

"This is the last chance you are likely to get."

Colquhoun was also ordered to register as a sex offender for seven years