A survey out today reveals that householders in the North-East spend more time cleaning their homes than almost anywhere else in the country.

Northerners dedicate six hours and 26 minutes every week to cleaning and are second only to the Midlands in the time they spend on domestic duties.

However, the Home Truths survey by British Gas reveals harassed homeowners across the country are struggling to juggle domestic duties with work commitments, children and their social lives.

Housework is no longer a priority in North-East households, 73 per cent say keeping their homes spick and span is much less important to them than it was to their mothers.

Seventy one per cent said they were far too busy with work commitments, 68 per cent with children and 16 per cent with hobbies and social lives, to spend more time cleaning.

Nick Smith, of British Gas, said it appeared that homeowners in the North-East would rather be out enjoying their free-time than cleaning the oven or defrosting the freezer.

The study also reveals a NorthSouth divide, with Londoners spending just five hours a week cleaning - less than anywhere else in the country.