Businesses in Hartlepool have been praised for supporting a major clean-up campaign.

More than 40 have applied for awards through the Tidy Business Charter, a joint venture between Hartlepool Borough Council's Pride in Hartlepool team and the Tidy Britain Group that was launched in the summer.

Any business can sign up to the Charter free of charge and they will receive either a bronze, silver or gold award depending upon their level of commitment to the local environment.

The bronze award represents the basic level of waste management that businesses should be reaching. Silver is for companies exceeding this legal requirement and gold reflects the achievements of businesses in taking extra steps to improve the local environment.

Helen Beaman, the council's waste management officer, said: "We all have a role to play in making Hartlepool a cleaner and more attractive place and I'm delighted with the response of local businesses. However, I would still like to hear from others."