A FATHER and his twin sons have scored a triple success in tae kwondo gradings.

Peter Siberry, club instructor at the Riverside Taekwondo Club, at Durham Sixth Form Centre, and his sons Jonathan and David, 17, all qualified as third dans in the latest national gradings.

The trio have trained together since the twins were eight, and according to Mr Siberry, they are among the youngest in the country to reach the level. "To get to that level in ten years is quite impressive," he said.

Mr Siberry, who lives in Bowburn, started his first tae kwondo class in 1991, and now runs them at two venues. He plans to open another two clubs in the Durham area in the New Year.

"I have about 40 to 45 members aged between six and 46," he said.

For details of classes, ring Mr Siberry on (07876) 140402.