AN illustrated booklet, telling the story of Haverton Hill in the 20th Century, went on sale in the Stockton area on Monday.

The booklet has been written by former long-term resident Bill Kettlewell.

Mr Kettlewell now lives in Billingham, but worked in the Furness Yard until its closure in 1979, and he remains a "Havertonian" to this day.

From the 19th Century, Haverton Hill was home to glass works, saltworks, a furnace and, from 1918, the Furness Shipyard.

In his booklet, "Fifty Years in Haverton Hill", Mr Kettlewell describes growing up in the area in the Depression, in the 1930s, and during the Second World War, as well as telling how he became known as an entertainer in the area.

The booklet is available, priced £3.95, at Stockton Borough Council museums, including Billingham Art Gallery, the Green Dragon Museum, in the Tourist Information centre, as well as at Preston Hall Museum