YOUNGSTERS' designs will be used to promote a support group for autistic children.

More than 100 children from primary, secondary and special schools in Sunderland submitted designs for a logo for the Sunderland Autism Planning Group.

The three winning entries were announced at the Broadway Centre.

First prize went to David Mooney, of Pennywell School, whose design will be used as the group's letterhead. Dean Wilson, of Plains Farm Primary School came second, and his design will be used as a watermark for the group's stationery. Victoria Horsfield, of Pennywell School, came third, winning a £10 gift voucher.

The Sunderland Autism Group comprises parents, carers and professionals from health, education and social services.

Jan O'Neill, an educational psychologist at the Broadway Centre, said: "We are working together to develop ideas and ways of working which it is hoped, will more effectively meet the needs of children and young people with autism spectrum disorder."