A NIGHTCLUB is closing for 12 weeks while it undergoes a £1.5m refurbishment.

Work is expected to start at The Mardi Gras nightclub, in Gladstone Street, Darlington, by the end of the month.

Although plans have not been finalised, the refurbished club will be split into three areas, called Act One, Act Two and Act Three.

Act Two and Three will be dance areas, while Act One will feature an extended bar.

Manager John Reid said the new-look club, owned by First Leisure, would be the best in the area.

He said: "First Leisure run more than 40 clubs, including the best nightspots in the country. We may be a lot smaller than some of the others in the country, but we are going to be the best club in the town, if not the whole area. The fact that we are closing for 12 weeks shows how dedicated we are to this, and what a difference we think it will make."

The work will include the provision of more lavatories and a communal washing area. There will also be new signs and lights outside the club, and a big window facing on to Gladstone Street.

Mr Reid said: "The area that is Orleans now is going to get a cosmetic refurbishment, while the Mardi Gras dance floor will be completely changed. The three areas of the new club will open depending on how busy we are.

"It will start with the bar being open and then the other two areas. It should mean earlier in the night, when we are quieter, there will still be an atmosphere."